GrindCraft is now available at Friv with a new remastered edition! In this game inspired by Minecraft, your goal is to gather resources and create items such as tools or weapons. Once you have gathered enough materials, you can craft a desired item. Stuff that you can grind is displayed on the left of the screen. Use your mouse and click at any resource to start gathering it. There is a cool-down while gathering a resource. Click at the icons in the middle grid to craft items. Each of the icons in the inventory grid view has a number that indicates an amount of the items. Hover over any item to see the materials you need to craft it. Icons of items that are available to craft have a light background. Unlock achievements by grinding and crafting various things. You can see the completed achievements by clicking at the trophy icon on the right of the screen. Can you become a master craftsman in GrindCraft Remastered online at
GrindCraft Remastered